This custom 9-10 week program is designed for future logging equipment operators and forestry workers and covers key aspects of forestry operations. Forestry professionals provide traditional classroom instruction including modern harvest equipment simulators and practical hands-on environmental and technical learning.

If you love spending time in the forest, then this is the career path for you!


This learning opportunity has been developed by forestry professionals and educators and will introduce you to a practical learning experience that incorporates classroom instruction, hands-on field experience and world-class forestry equipment simulation technology.

Roughly 80% of this program’s content includes aspects of the forest environment and shows you how to care for the land and everything above and below your feet. You will learn the importance of maintaining a healthy forest ecosystem while benefiting from the many renewable resources around you. As a future forestry professional, you will soon see how everything on the land is connected. The soil, the water, the air, the plants, the micro-organisms, and the wildlife are all linked, and your actions can have either a positive or a negative impact on these relationships.

Our goal is to give you the knowledge and the tools to help you do the best job you can to safely and efficiently work in the forest while respecting these symbiotic relationships in nature.

There is a lot to learn when becoming a competent forest worker and effective steward of the forest. This program aims to give you a basic understanding of the concepts and skills necessary to get started in this amazing career. As a graduate of the program, you will possess the skills and knowledge necessary to move to the next level of development. Successful hands-on training with a good mentor is the best way to use what you have just learned to safely and efficiently fine-tune your skills while experiencing continuous improvement. Your perseverance and devotion to the program are key to your future success.

As mentioned above, there is a lot of material to cover in a very short time, so your full-time participation is required. You cannot afford to miss even one day of training. Just like the forest ecosystem, the content in each training module is connected, so missing just one class will be detrimental to your successful completion of the program. Consequently, there is no point in even starting the course unless you are willing to devote 100% of your time and effort from start to finish.


The recipe for success is to treat this program just like a new job… Show up on time every day and be mentally and physically prepared for the day. Be respectful, be safe, pay attention and ask someone who knows if you’re not quite sure.


WOLF’s reputation depends on the performance and integrity of every student who graduates from this program

  • Our goal is to help you be the best that you can be when you’re on the job.
  • Your role is to use and share the knowledge you have learned and to make us proud of your success.


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