This three-day course includes two days of classroom and a day of field assessment. The course will provide a practical guide to the application of the ecosite classification, forest soils, the 2010 Reclamation Criteria for Well Sites and Associated Facilities for Forested Lands and the Record of Observation (RoO) Tool.
The combined Ecosite Classification and Reclamation Course, with associated field assessments, will provide a practical guide to ecosite classification and the AESRD Record of Observation for the 2010 Forested Lands Reclamation Criteria for well sites and associated facilities.
Reclamation Certificate application for sites submitted after January 1, 2012, must conform to the 2010 Reclamation Criteria for Well Sites and Associated Facilities. Sites assessed using the 2010 criteria must use the 2010 Record of Observation form. The course materials are a practical and professional approach to understanding and recording the required data in a consistent and repeatable process.
Regulators, disposition holders, site construction contractors, reclamation consultants and contractors, Foresters, Forest Technologists, Biologists, Agrologists and anyone involved in the development and reclamation of well sites in Alberta will need to attend this course to stay current with the latest regulation and best management practices.
- Course delivery is available in a classroom setting (at your location).
The tuition for this course will be determined by pending locations & class sizes.
- To arrange a classroom delivery send your request to or contact the WOLF office at 1-866-293-WOLF (9653)