Forestry Training Course Goal

Silviculture operations include a broad range of forest activities that focus mainly on effective reforesting of harvested areas. In this course we cover the basics of soils, trees, and machinery, and discuss the skills and science needed to prescribe which methods will lead to the desired outcomes under various site conditions. The goal is to have reliable, cost-effective decision-making that fits within the total forest management system. Material presented here is directed at people charged with deciding how to best reforest the harvested area and those charged with carrying out reforestation and reclamation activities.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this Silviculture Operations Course the participant will be able to:

  • Recognize the main activities conducted by a silviculturist
  • Recognize the general legal requirements for reforesting a harvested area
  • Describe the contents of a pre-harvest assessment and factors to consider when preparing a silvicultural prescription
  • Recognize the reasons for preserving genetic diversity while obtaining appropriate coniferous seedlings and deciduous propagules
  • Describe the benefits and risks for a variety of site preparation methods
  • Recognize the components of a successful tree planting operation
  • Describe several methods of vegetation control permitted in Alberta
  • Utilize a structured decision-making system as shown for Pre- Commercial Thinning


    • This course can be delivered live or online (to groups) with a live instructor. The narrated online version is currently under revision. To arrange a “live online” delivery please send your request to or contact the WOLF office at 1-866-293-WOLF (9653)

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