Woodland Historical Resources Course and Archaeological Site visit
Location and date: To Be Determined
Learn about Historic Resources and be a part of the discovery. This Woodland Historical Resources Course has a classroom component, “flint knapping” demonstrations and example artifacts. The day also includes a walk through a known site. Students will observe the effects of forestry operations on archaeological sites, and learn ways to avoid or minimize impacts.
Historical resources are non-renewable; once disturbed they cannot be reconstructed or regenerated. Historical resources have an intrinsic value to our society and must be identified and protected. This is of specific importance on Alberta’s forested lands as there is relatively little knowledge of these areas.
The Alberta Historical Resources Act requires forest operators to identify and protect historical and cultural resources.
Regulators, disposition holders, site construction contractors, Foresters, Forest Technologists, Agrologists and anyone involved in the development, construction and operation of dispositions in Alberta will need to attend this course to stay current with the latest regulation and best management practices.
Anyone interested in the story of people in ancient times and the science revealing the past will wish to attend
The course will run from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.
8:30 Introduction
9:00 Regulatory background
10:00 Using the Historic Resource Listings and related tools
11:00 Requirements for forestry and other sectors
12:00 Lunch break
1:00 Planning for Archaeology: predicting sites and managing impact
2:00 Artifacts ID. and demo
2:30 Walking tour: survey process & methods, planning, impacts
4:30 Flint knapping demo
5:00 Adjourned
Participants will require outdoor clothing, boots and personal protective equipment for the field assessment day. The field tour will take place regardless of the weather.
Participants will be expected to walk to and from the site of the field exercises in a cut block near the Forest Interpretive Centre
Only the first 20 paid registrations will be accepted.
Registration Deadline Date is ………...
Cancellation Fee:
Registration Fees are non-refundable after ………..
An administration fee of $50 will be charged for refunds requested on or before that date.
The registration fee is $150.00 +GST = $157.50 (GST # 87024 4811 RT0001) per person and includes snacks and refreshments only. (Lunches are Not Included)
The sponsors for this event are:
Instruction and field coordination:
Tree Time Services Inc. http://treetimeservices.ca/
Forest Resource Improvement Association of Alberta http://www.friaa.ab.ca/
Event Planning and Operations:
Forest Resource Improvement Association of Alberta http://www.friaa.ab.ca/